So then, deep frozen starter will come back to life!



Hi everyone, as i mentioned elsewhere I have been off the forum for a while.  Out of necessity I had to deep freeze my starters last March.  I was a bit worried about how long they would survive however i took one out a couple of days ago, thawed it out, fed it in the afternoon and by bedtime nothing had happened!  The following morning it still showed no signs of life so I refreshed it again and stirred in loads of air with a fork...... placed it in the airing cupboard for a few hours and by lunch time it was alive and doubling!  So another refresh and back in the cupboard for another 6 hours and it was good to go!

I made up my 'regular' mix, autolysed for 30 mins then kneeded the dough and put it to prove for a few hours.  At bedtime I shaped it then put it in the fridge overnight.

This morning it was ready for baking :)

Maybe not my finest but I'm very happy indeed.  The taste is fantastic...... oh how we have missed home made sourdough!

And beautiful bread, too. :) It's nice to have another option for one's starter when one is going to be absent for a while.