Pretoria baker looking for other bakers in area


Hi All

I got my sourdough starter for a member on this forum a few years ago, and has been on and off baking bread since then. I recently decided to start milling my own wheat berries for baking bread, but getting small quantities of quality wheat is a bit problematic. So it seems I have to get 40 kg bags, a bit too much for myself. I therefore am thinking of starting a co-op with a few people in the area, where we can order in bulk and divide between the different people. One can also order flour in bulk.

Any other people on this forum from Pretoria interested in something like this ?




your offer would be very interesting. However, I'm back in the States and not exactly "local' anymore.

Have you contacted Eureka Mills to see if they would supply grains in smaller packages?  I don't know that they do presently, but you might be able to work something out with them.  I seem to remember seeing cracked rye in 2.5kg packages in a Spar on the east side of Pretoria, for instance.  Not the whole kernels, I'll grant you, but enough to make one think about the possibilities.

Good hunting!
