I just bought a stollen today, since I've never had one, and would like an idea of what it should taste like if I were to try and make it myself. It got me in the mood to try and make other enriched, holiday-esque breads, and this image of a honey-rich bread popped into my mind. Something soft and buttery, with a significant honey aroma and taste that wasn't too overpowering. Maybe lightly spiced. Maybe good with a cup of tea. I wonder if anyone here has ever had or made something like this or would just like to provide some input as to how they might go about creating something like this.
Or, if this happens to be a common type of bread and I just don't know it, maybe dropping the name and/or a recipe. I dunno. I'm just about done with all school responsibilities and i'm feeling creative, and any tips would be appreciated.
Cyrus, this is from an old hippie-era bread book that uses only honey or molasses in its recipes, one of two books that taught me to love baking. I have not tried Christopsomo, but have always been happy with the results from this author.
A little research indicates that olive oil, wine, and lots of orange frequently make an appearance in this bread.
The same book has a recipe for Moravian Love Feast Buns that sound wonderfully decadent--full cup of honey, lots of butter, some eggs and mashed potato, and flavored with mace and orange peel.
2-1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup oil
1 cup sugar
2 eggs separated
1 cup honey (I used Tupelo Honey )
1 cup coffee
Grease and flour two 8" disposable foil pans
Mix and sift dry ingredients.
Beat egg whites in small bowl until stiff.
Blend oil, sugar and egg yolks together. Add honey. Add dry ingredients alternately with coffee. Fold in beaten egg whites. Pour into prepared pans.
Bake in 350 degree oven 55-65 minutes - longer baking may be necessary.
YIELD: 8-10 servings [?]
I swear you are all trying to get me fat.
My honey cake above well, all the things I bake are calorie free
between bites, ;-))))
OH! Well then! that IS different :)
I am actually going to make your honey cake this evening....and gongerbread men with my 5 year old.
Do you think it would freeze wel? (so I dont go eating it all in the first 24hours ;) )
Theres a cracking loaf in "Dough" by Richard Bertinet, its Lavender and honey 'ive made it and it was exellent.
Dave W