Two baguettes for 2 weeks off

Profile picture for user kendalm

Took a couple of weeks off thanks to travelling. I usually wait until the weekend but couldn't wait and so whipped up these two loaves just about 30 minutes ago. Really happy with the results and it almost seems like taking a break helps. Scoring worked out fairly nicely - this was a 24 hour bulk and interior crumb has more color than I've ever seen and the flavor is the best I've baked so far (by a long shot) - very happy with this lite batch !

Here's a typical cut I make to see how well the loaf rose.  Anyone who's part of the baguette club on this site knows that getting thin loaves to spring up is a major challenge.  I always roll out full length baguettes at 350g each which equates to a wet loaf that is only about 1 1/4 in diameter.  As a result there's is not a she lot of volume compared to crust and when first started I was lucky to get any rise.  If done right this slice should reveal a nice circular dome on top and often the bubbles will be oval shaped due to the upward flowing gases.  So here's a pretty nice shot of a well risen baguette that is also pretty #$*×÷? Delicious ! 



on wanting to grab a piece - they just look perfect.

Thanks for taunting ...  I mean sharing!

I think it was you who mentioned you love for kerrygold butter. One item I must have stocked is lerrygold Irish cheddar. Both the butter and the cheddar remind me of what I are as a kid and wondering if you'd tried their cheese too - if not I highly recommend it. The way its sweats at room temp is divine. Somehow we gotta figure a way to swap a braze for a loaf or two !

your crumb seems to always come out great.  These look really good.


The right final proof timing and lots of heat in the first 5 or so minutes. What I have also noticed if I slice a profile cut many of bubbles are oval shaped as though the gases are expanding upwards. Overproofed loaves always deflate but if the gluten is nice and elastic (not too tough either but soft and elastic) about 40 minutes of final proof and a super hot stone results in pretty decent crumb. This at least for my standards is about as good as it gets and I'm really satisfied with crumb. If I could just get all of those darn scores to open like the closest two then I'm a happy guy ! Will see,what we can do on the next batch - tbd ...