Awesome site

Profile picture for user kamelonu

I have been wanting to start baking for about a year now but never felt like I had the time. I finally did but didn't have all the ingredients so I bought a jar of yeast amd bread flour but no recipes. I found the "baked potato bread" recipe made it and loved it. 

poking around on this site is super useful I am about to purchase a kitchen scale and am excited to learn a lot of new techniques. 

I did notice I couldn't see comments at the bottom of recipes, I commented on the baked potato bread and couldn't see that either. Other than that it's a great site (I'm sure it's user error) 

oh oh and I am hailing from Lynchburg VA

Profile picture for user Lazy Loafer

This is an awesome site, isn't it? :) Lots of good people here with good ideas and great recipes. Try just browsing the forums and scrolling down to the pictures and posts of breads, rather than going to the "recipes" tab; I think there are more recipes on the forum and blogs.

You can also find some good recipes on sites like and even King Arthur Flour (though those ones are sometimes a bit strange when you switch to grams from volume measurements). A good book to start with (if you're looking for bread books) is Peter Reinhart's "Artisan Breads Every Day".

Enjoy! Hopefully you get the technical issues sorted out and can start posting your own pictures and experiences. :)