


Mehrkornbrot, or multigrain bread

150g whole spelt (Dinkelvollkornmehl)

150g rye meal (Roggenschrot)

50g whole wheat (Weizenvollkornmehl)

50g whole rye (Roggenvollkornmehl)

50g all purpose (Weizenmehl)

25g scalded spelt berries (Dinkelkernen)

25g scalded wheat berries (Weizenkernen)

method according to Tom Cat's semolina Filone.


Overnight rest before slicing.


This loaf has a great combination of rye tang and spelt nuttiness.  It is reminiscent of bread I enjoyed while living in Germany. 

isand thanks.   It uses the method from Tom Cat's semolina Filone which uses yeast and a poolish starter.  Not sourdough.   The Tom Cat formula and method are on this site.