Trouble using tree icon to link to pics on Photobucket.


I am a new member, having no luck trying to insert images from my Photobucket account. The sad results can be seen in the first few replies on the following thread:   Anyone ever used a dough knob, described in Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book? | The Fresh Loaf

I eventually was able to edit the original post and use the uploader to get the picture in, but don't understand what is going wrong with the tree icon method. I have been able to link to photobucket on a number of other fora, but here when I   drop the URL into the appropriate window and click on "insert", I get the dreaded spinning beachball (on a Mac that means the window is frozen, and you can see the result in the above thread. Any suggestions?  I'm running Safari 10.0.2 for a browser.



Also be sure that you don't have extra characters in your URL. One more thing is that the size might be too big so try putting 400 on the first slot for size and then nothing in the second slot. I am on a Mac too so I hope this works.