Greetings, everyone. This is my introductory post on this site.
I've been baking on and off for many years but never often enough in the past to consistently bake a good loaf. I retired recently and have been baking more often, almost always whole-grain sourdough loaves.
I hope to learn more about sourdough baking from the forum and contribute where I can. I've already learned a bit just by lurking here and am looking forward to trying dabrownman's No Muss No Fuss Starter method.
Thanks for reading!
Glad to have you one board.
I use Dab's no muss no fuss method, it works like a dream. Its really great to not be chained to your starter. I feed mine once every two months because i keep a small amount, but i know you can go longer than that if you keep more.
Looking forward to seeing some your loaves here :)