Gluten-free starter conversion to gluten worked!

Profile picture for user CAphyl

Thanks to all of you who offered advice after I lost my starter to mold after a long trip.  As I mentioned, the gluten-free starter was fine, so I stole some and built it up using ww, white and rye flours.  It really perked up quickly, and this is the first loaf I baked using it, a classic sourdough.  Thanks again to all for their suggestions.  I will try them all when I go on my next extended journey.  Best,  Phyllis

I am happy you were able to rescue your starter. I wonder what caused the other one to go bad. It sounds like you didn't do anything that would cause that. 

I have been away for longer periods of time, and have the alcohol form, but this was something new!  "Babies" from my original starter are in England and the Midwest, so it is still alive and well in the world. Best, Phyllis

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

My starter was gone too, I'm on a journey of raising another one now.