Modernist Bread on Pre-sale today, May '17 delivery

Profile picture for user Maine18

Complete with a trailer:


And $600 price point:…


I don't yet know what to make of this, as I'd been eagerly looking forward to this project coming since I heard about a year or so ago.  It turns out they've made more of an epic series of books -- ala the original Modernist Cuisine --  than one big one as I was hoping (like their Modernist Cuisine at Home).


I have full faith that there will be so much to learn from these books, and the quality of experimentation, photography, and research will be amazing.  In that sense, I still can't wait.  But the sheer time to consume 5 volumes and the upfront cost seem to make this for the few (or professionals).  Maybe there will be a summarized, more amateur-enthusiast focused/priced  "Modernist Bread at Home" to follow?