Beans & small grains, Nutrimill vs Wondermill

Profile picture for user MontBaybaker

Looking at new machines, apparently the Wondermill requires a $22.95 accessory which "allows you to pour beans and small grains (amaranth, quinoa, etc.) all at once, rather than slowly, otherwise these can clog in the mill."  

At a comparable base price, how well does the NutriMill (Classic or Plus) truly handle beans and small grains?  No similar accessory seems needed or manufactured.  Thanks!


Hi MontBaybaker,


I have a Nutrimill and while I haven't ground quinoa or beans yet.  I have ground buckwheat and Spelt.  The box shows all of those grains you mentioned with their pictures on the box.  It specifically tells you not to grind flax and other oily grains.  The grains I grind or smaller than beans for sure so I'd be confident the Nutrimill will work for those.

I'd suggest contacting Pleasant Hill where I bought my Nutrimill.  They are really helpful and I'm sure they can answer your question accurately.




Big Crusty