Hi from Canberra, Australia

Profile picture for user Bob_H

Just a short note to introduce myself and to thank those contributing to this site.

I have been making no knead breads for a few years now, but with a bit more time on my hands (recently stopped working full time) have been looking for better breads and exploring other baking. Have been working through "The Baker's Apprentice" and recently through some recipes on this site.

With a bit of a back problem, I have been minimising hand kneading. I have recently looked to replace my Kenwood K-mix, which really didn't like heavy kneading (and which I may have inadvertently killed). After much reading, I decided my best bet was an Ankarsrum Assistant, but it did not appear to be available in Australia. However, some internet sleuthing turned up Blackwood Lane (http://blackwoodlane.com), which supplied them in Australia at a very reasonable 5% over the Amazon US price (a very low markup indeed).

My Assistant arrived late today, and I am intending to give it a workout tomorrow morning with some Rustic Bread (from this site - I made my preferment this morning, in anticipation) and a Woman's Weekly sponge cake. Looking forward to the outcome!

Profile picture for user yozzause


Welcome to TFL from Perth Western Australia, glad to have a Canberrian join the fold, quite a few Australian bakers here enjoying the common interest.

Like you I have recently retired (1 year) and also have the Kenwood chef as the mixer although of late I have been hand mixing, I can see the day when the Kenwood will need replacing so will be interested in your reports on the new machine.

If you fill out your details it allows members to click on your Avatar and see where you are from and a little more about you, and sometimes better able to offer good advice  pertinent to the area you might be from.

I'm sure you will enjoy your time on TFL

Kind regards Derek

ps  I just upgraded mine as I hadn't put anything in about my equipment.