starting Cinnamon bun part time business



I just joined this site after reading an entry from a poster named Mumsie.  I was hoping to write her directly, but the post is from years ago.  I am an expat living in Switzerland, about to test the waters on selling my cinnamon buns.  I'm thinking of offering twice a week.  Any advice?

Thanks very much and best wishes to all of you,


The biggest one you can find.  I bought the Winware 18 inch aluminum pin for about 30 bucks.  A real lifesaver.

Having a viable product does not a viable business make. You need to establish if there are enough customers who are willing to buy enough product at a price that allows you to make an acceptable profit. This involves identifying who will actually buy (note that this is not automatically the same as who you think you want to sell to) as well as attempting to figure out how much volume this target audience will buy and at what price. It also involves finding out what laws and regulations you need to follow.