I have been making large artisan loaves using the FSWY method. I have 5 qt cast iron Dutch ovens and 9" bannetons. These make about 9-10 " loaves. I want to try making smaller artisan loaves. Approximately 5-6".
I want to stick with the FSWY method. What size Dutch oven do I need?What size bannetons?
I use Lodge's 2 quart dutch oven. They are great for the home oven because I can get as many as 8 in my oven at a time and they make a nicer size loaf for slicing for sandwiches and such.
I use this proofing basket: http://breadtopia.com/store/bread-proofing-basket/
Thank you for your reply.
2 qt. Lodge or 3.2 qt. For freestanding loaves, 4 qt. or 5 qt. work fine. I usually put dough on cornmeal or rice flour topped parchment paper and lift the dough into the Dutch oven, especially if the dough is highly hydrated.
The combo cooker will make your baking 10 times easier than the DO.
I certainly am hoping for this...I mangled a couple of loaves yesterday and wound up ordering just this off the 'bay late last night.
great cornbread and the cooker works great on an open flame or oven for anything you want to make in a DO. Best all around thing I ever bought foir making all kinds if food.
How many grams of dough should I put into a 2-3 qt DO?
I work with whole, ancient grains that won't rise quite the same as a modern AP white. My loaves are ~1000g and they fill the 2 quart pan completely to the top. If I was going to do AP white I'd probably start in the 850g range and increase from there.