Finding bread books

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I know that Christmas is almost upon us, so I'm not advocating that you run out and buy anything that you may already have requested as a gift.  However, if you are shopping around for one or more specific titles, take advantage of any used book stores that may be in your area.  I was fortunate to be rummaging around in one this summer and found The Bread Bible by Rose Levy Berenbaum and The Bread Bible by Beth Hesperger, each in excellent condition.  I took them both home for a little under $20, total.  And no postage, either!

Not a bad day when you can combine the thrill of the hunt, bargain prices and instant gratification in a single transaction.  And it supports a local merchant, too.

Obviously, there are no guarantees about what might be in stock on any given day, but that's what makes it such a pleasure when you do find something you (ahem) need.


     There is a book store in Portland, ME now dedicated to just cookboks. They have new, used, rare and out of print. It's called RABELAIS on 86 Middle St. I haven't been yet, but will next time I'm in the area. They had a stall at a food fair I went to in mid-coast Maine this fall and there was an awesome selection of baking and bread books, They also have a website :