Miche Loaf


Hi here is another Sour dough Miche I made this past weekend. Nice loaf, can't wait to make more. Rye, Wheat, and white flour. Baked in a dutch oven combo cooker. 

Is this what makes it a miche?

Probably made most famous by Parisian baker Poilâne the miche can be defined as a very large rustic sourdough bread, usually a round loaf made from a natural leavening that also has a high percentage of whole wheat flour in it.

So how big does it have to be?


From my little experience it is about a 2 1/2 # loaf, it is traditionally cut in half and quartered to share. This formula has rye and wheat, a little white. Takes 2 days and needs a stiff starter. It is very nice loaf.