bread bread and more bread


Hello everybody, I'm glad im not the only guy from England here. My wife Rachel and I live near Chester in the north west. Bread making seems to have taken over most of my spare time at the moment and i'm enjoying every minute of it. i'm a all or nothing type of guy. I'm pretty new to bread making, and have been doing it now since last Christmas when I decided to have a go. Rachel gives me lots of agro as flour, yeast and leven seems to get everywhere, on the taps, walls floor all over well you know what its like!!!!!!!! and whats more she makes me clean it up !!!!!.

Ive had a go at most breads over the last year, I , or should I say we, bought four books over this time one by Dan Lepard, two by Richard Bertinet (who is my favorite at the moment) and another by Andrew Whitley, all are brilliant and recomend them all.

Ive found this site really helpfull and have tried one or two recipes, and will try more as time allows, there just does'nt seem to be enough hours in the day.

Happy baking


Dave (W)


Hello, Dave, welcome to the site. You will find plenty of friendly and like-minded people here. And it's all very educational. For example, I just learned a new word: "agro."
