A hint of Japan - Miso Rye Sourdough

Profile picture for user Anne-Marie B

A savoury loaf with a cracking crust.  I will definitely make this one again.

Made the sponge the night before with my rye starter, straight from the fridge.

The original recipe did not contain enough liquid so I made the sponge with a 1/2 Cup water and the same for the final dough. Instead of using malt powder, I added a tablespoon of barley malt to the warm water and miso mix. I did not reduce the salt either. It is not too salty at all, just nice and savoury.

Recipe here: http://inscottskitchen.scottandhoward.com/miso-rye-bread-updated/

Recipe website updated 2023: http://scott-d.com/2013/08/17/miso-rye-bread-updated/

to up the umami and to add a touch of miso's unique tang. I usually stay in the 10-12.5% range where your loaf seems to fall. I do decrease the salt down to 1% from my usual 2%. 

It has ti be tasty.  I din't think it needs the commercial yeast and I do think I would cut back on the salt.  I prefer the red miso and it tends ti=o be a but more salty.  Well dine ad dHappy baking