Gluten, Wheat And Sourdough Health Benefits.


Hey everyone,

I am a bread baker from Colombia and was wondering if any of you has a recommendation of a good book or source where I can find quality information about the real truth about gluten, some of the health benefits that wheat might bring to us, as well as sourdough.  

I am doing this project to inform people about the reality on gluten here in Colombia and I would love to hear what you guys think. 

Thank youuu :)


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The Bread Bakers Guild of America ( publishes a newsletter entitled "Bread Lines". In Volume 24 – Issue 1 spring 2016 there is an interesting article called "Gluten" which I found quite informative. It clarified a lot of the misconceptions about how gluten interacts with the body.

Bread Lines is available in .pdf and you may be able to get a copy from the directly.