I've searched the forums for a list of grain suppliers to no avail. I've seen various companies mentioned in posts, but this info doesn't seem to be compiled in one place. Would it be possible to put together a list of suppliers and make it a sticky for all to see? Who do you buy your grains from? My current suppliers
Bluebird Grain Farms - Winthrop, WA -
Castle Valley Mill - Doylestown, PA -
Hayden Flour Mills - Queen Creek, AZ -
Wheat Montana - Three Forks, MT -
Central Milling - Logan, UT -
I live near Kansas City and sometimes see Wheat Montana grains, as well as flours, in local Walmart stores. I've also seen both their Bronze Chief (red) and Prairie Gold (white) wheat in a local Price Chopper supermarket, complete with mill for grinding them into flour right there.
You might want to see if any stores in your area carry them.
I have purchased my grain from They do drops all over the country. Drops are usually once a month, but they do also deliver some stuff via UPS.
Also, just started ordering directly from
There's always amazon too.
If you're anywhere near, or can get them to ship, my local grain CSA is amazing.
I just purchased hard white wheat from the local LDS Home Storage Center. I live in the SF Bay area and their store is about 5 miles away from me. Did a internet search and the price is $8.25 for 30 lbs white wheat and &.25 for red wheat. So far it appears to be as good or better than any whole grain flour that I purchased elsewhere. Grain was very clean and found 1 husk on a grain in about 6 cups. Sprouted a 1/2 cup of the grain and it appears that 90+% germinated. They will sell to anyone.
This is my list for einkorn grain.…