Hello all,
The first thing I ever really cooked as a kid was a loaf of white bread. I love to cook in general, but I particularly love the "primal" types of cooking, especially baking and grilling. Michael Pollan's "Cooked" brought me to artisanal baking (sourdough cultures, etc.) and Ken Forkish's "FWSY" fueled the fire.
Mostly I have been making 30-40% wheat sourdoughs in the dutch oven. I've drifted away from the higher hydration doughs because I'm lazy.
I also have been doing a lot of homemade pizzas on a new steel I got (my old pizza stones are oily and smoky). My goal is the NYC thin crust, but I do some Neopolitans too.
My latest effort. An overnight sourdough (with a pinch of commercial yeast) that I pulled out of the oven this morning before I left for work. It's approx. 30% all grain whole wheat and 70% unbleached all-purpose flour: