Using Bread Machine for Kneading and first rise only

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Anyone use this method and then bake their bread in the oven? I've been trying this with so/so results. I believe the dough needs more shaping than I'm giving it for the second rise. 



Until my bread machine broke, that is what I used it for. Actually, after a while, I just used it for mixing and kneading and then took it out for the bulk rise so that if I needed to, I could do some stretch and folds. Doing the bulk rise in the machine works well because it's kept warm. I found that doing the final rise in a cool kitchen was challenging and found it necessary to find a way to keep it warm.

Yes, I used to do this regularly, and still do if I'm short of time and can't make a sourdough loaf.

I'd generally use the dough cycle on my machine, and one can adjust a recipe to get the preferred hydration.

It can be a good way to start developing dough-handling techniques, something that I have certainly needed to work on in the past.

Best wishes, and happy baking. Colin