Raindrop cake. Has anyone made one?


Raindrop dessert or delight.  Raindrop Gelatine.  

Not a cake.


Cake is what they called it. I just thought it looked weird and different. I would like to taste or make one some day. The next Cronut? I don't think so.

so that when delivered/presented to the table, it is more mind bending.  Contrast.  One thinks of a typical opaque cake and get something totally different.   Gelatine by any other name becomes appetising.  (The same with many kids and vegetables.)     

Does remind me of a breast implant.   Back in the days when I worked in a plastic's laboratory,  made a silicone casting of a size D making a large number of intriguing "paper weight" samples.  They all had that same sitting rain drop shape.  Maybe not as perky.   Some were made from clear resin and some had additives to look like onyx or marble or alabaster.  Remember one with a pearl surface.  One had the look of fudge raspberry ripple ice cream after it was sand blasted.   One sample, my boss had me gold leaf.  (After just reading that, it wouldn't surprise me if you imagine a blob of gelatine raindrop cake with a 1" square of gold on it...just off center, so decadent!)