Raisin Yeast Water: Day 3 (no Day 2)



Sorry for not posting yesterday. My back went out, as it often does, so I spent the day in bed. The raisins swelled with water a few hours into Day 1 and remained at the bottom of the jar. There was no change on Day 2.

Day 3

The swollen raisins (see above) are starting to separate from each other. Opened the jar and there's no change in the smell. Just smells like raisins. There were a few floaters and bubbles though. (below)

Drew the numbers with an app. How cool is that? SCIENCE!! :)

 See you tomorrow!


I figured the more obsessive readers might try to count the number of raisins floating in the picture. Lol So I saved them the trouble!

Kneading is pretty hard for me. I use the cuisinart to help. It has a dough blade that does a good job bringing the dough together. After that, it only takes a few minutes of hand kneading to get the dough to be smooth & elastic. 

Thanks for your concern.  :) 


I tried raisins two x...it is nothing like the success you will have with apples. Switch now. You will be so pleased with the fizzy sweet rise you get from the apples. I core my apples with one of the corers and just drop it in the quart bottle ...my water is SO fizzy and has been powerful for a couple years. You don't need to start a new one ever....it is SO easy and trouble free. When I have left mine for months it is still great I just feed it with new apple cores before I leave. The raisins will never ever give you the results that apples do. c