Lucy found this blog post by Jarkko listing the best bread in the Internet

Profile picture for user dabrownman

and wouldn't you know that TFL landing first up!  I do love all the other ones list and in the comments too.  Very inspiring!  So many great bread bakers out there today.

Happy Baking 

And Bread Magazine is one of those great sites!

Great site with great bakers and great posters!!!. Once again, thanks Floyd!

Happy baking! Ski

PS Lucy is a darling!!!

Yes, thank you Floyd for all your hard work and for not selling the site - no-one would care about us quirky bread bakers more than you do. We appreciate you.

Please tell Dabrownman we need more Lucy photos...

The link opens fine for me too. Lucy looks a tad tuckered out from all that web surfing and dreaming up fabulous new combinations of starters, sprouts and soakers!