Hello from Central FL

Profile picture for user Paparazzi

Newbie to the site; trying to remember how I stumbled upon it...I think I was looking into grain mills and found this site highlighted in a blog. Well, I'm not necessarily new to bread making or grinding my own flour but...I had been making bread using Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. Sometimes I use store bought flour, sometimes I used my own flour. I want to try to get to making bread without "cheating" a bit using the ABFD book. My goal is to REALLY MAKE BREAD...meditating in the entire process. In the past I've truly enjoyed ABFD recipes, I stopped because we moved our diet away from processed foods, all flours etc. but after two years we've decided we really love and miss homemade bread; and I miss the process. I would love to not buy flour so I'm looking to head further into grinding my own flours and moving forward that way, I'm just a little perplexed by the density etc and hope to work that out with the help here, in this forum and on this site.

Hi, and welcome! i'm not sure what your specific question is, but you might try Peter Reinhart's "Bread Revolution". He's got lots of recipes and techniques for whole and sprouted grains and a lot of interesting information.

Thanks Lazy Loafer! No question really, just an introduction/goal. I will definitely look into the book you recommended and thank you again. I look forward to using this site and learning from everyone.