Thanks for the link. Looks fascinating and I will give it a good read.
Speaking for myself,
This is one of those rare occassions where we are in fact two Nations 'joined' by a common language.
Normally referring to approximately 1850 - 1900 and of a certain 'moral' standard of decency (in base terms). Somehow, it has crept into our vernacular.
directly to the USA from the 'Mother Country'. Half the population of the colonies during the Revolutionary war considered themselves British first and did not support the rebel Americans - Like Ben Franklin's son who remained a loyalist and moved to England during the war. Victorian homes of the era are most sought after today too. Old SF is pretty much Victorian Architecture at least the part that made it through the earthquake and resulting fires in 1906
Bill Clinton discovered the Lincoln bedroom with who knows who how many times and still had time for young girls with fat ankles and thighs in the oval office - He has a thing for both it seems! Now he might get to do it all over again and that period will be called First Stud:-) I would pay to see that on IMAX.... and likely will!
...'the Victorian era' in reference to your history?
Thanks for the link. Looks fascinating and I will give it a good read.
Speaking for myself,
This is one of those rare occassions where we are in fact two Nations 'joined' by a common language.
Normally referring to approximately 1850 - 1900 and of a certain 'moral' standard of decency (in base terms). Somehow, it has crept into our vernacular.
directly to the USA from the 'Mother Country'. Half the population of the colonies during the Revolutionary war considered themselves British first and did not support the rebel Americans - Like Ben Franklin's son who remained a loyalist and moved to England during the war. Victorian homes of the era are most sought after today too. Old SF is pretty much Victorian Architecture at least the part that made it through the earthquake and resulting fires in 1906 name periods after your presidents.
Bill Clinton discovered the Lincoln bedroom with who knows who how many times and still had time for young girls with fat ankles and thighs in the oval office - He has a thing for both it seems! Now he might get to do it all over again and that period will be called First Stud:-) I would pay to see that on IMAX.... and likely will!