Farro is an old Italian word for Iron and as such can ONLY mean emmer because emmer is the only grain in the world whose limiting factor is iron and will provide 100% of the bodies needs in one cup a day. Farro from italy most often isn't even emmer any more but is spelt. The Italians think the americans can't tell the difference (and they are right - most everybody but I cannot) tell emmer from spelt from barley from wheat from einkorn, especially pearled. Farro in Italy when sent to America is also pearled like in a de burring device ,which makes the grain infertile and will not sprout. most of the nutrients are removed and the product is oxidizing and becoming toxic. Bluebird Farms in Washington state uses this process on its emmer and it is also infertile - will not sprout. Emmer from River Organica and Lentz Spelt farms are the only places in North America to get the ancient cultivar emmer properly processed whole. And River Organica in Sedro-Woolley, WA is the only place to get milled grain that is digestible and fresh. The Emmer products produced by River Organica are brewed and therefore alive and fermenting and the individual products get more nutritious for weeks to months and do not mold even set out for weeks or months. The grain is anti fungal ,anti biotic and kills yeast candida and thrush. Therefore you canNOT make yeasted bread with it unless you trick it like River Organica has. Sprouted the emmer will not mold sitting out for days, and days to weeks in the refrigerator. Most produts made from emmer should never be refrigerated. Unless something is 17thousand years old don't use it or eat it or drink it. A general statement but it works.Copyrite River Elderholly
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Dear Mr. Lucy
[i]Copy[b]rite[/b] River Elderholly[/i] alone should have told you there was something missing.
Have a nice day.
:) :) :) :) :) copyright subfuscpersona :) :) :) :) :) :)