I use an Ankarsrum mixer. It replaced a Bosch Universal Plus that failed (which in turn replaced a KA 600 Pro). The motor is being replaced with a new one at the factory service center and the Bosch will soon be back home all nice and neat. So, what to do? The Bosch is complete with blender, cookie paddles, whisks and a L'equip flour sifter. Part of me is tempted to keep it as a backup and the other more frugal part says to sell it all and just focus on my Ankarsrum. I do not have counter space for both and I'm not sure if there are tasks that are better in one than the other. Both machines can handle the amount of dough I usually work with.
Imagine, too much mixing capacity. I never thought I'd find myself with that problem.
I've had mine, used when I purchased it over 20 years ago, and have NEVER had a problem with it. Sell the Bosch unless you've someone to gift it to.
I have a Bosch stored in the basement as backup. Prices are always rising and I figure one of my kids can have it if the need arises. I doubt you will get what it is worth since, technically, it is 'used'.
to my daughter and granddaughter. I'm hoping it can find new life there.