Couche Weght Specifications


I was wondering if anyone was familiar enough with Couche linen material to know the ounces per sq. yard or sq. meter of heavy linen cloth for this application.

I see several vendors making claims of Heavy cloth from France, but no specification.

I ordered a couch from one on-line source that they hem on all four sides, but the cloth I received was very light weight. About 8 ounces per sq. yard. I think I have Hawaiian shirts heavier weight than that.

When I was in culinary school the couche that we used was very heavy by comparison and was substantial enough that the bread didn't "push" it around. I would say that in comparison it was close to twice as heavy.

One on-line fabric supplier sells 10.5 ounce natural linen, but without being able to see the texture I am hesitant to order it.

Any one have any specifics that would be informative?

Thank You,
