Hi all! Probably a bit off topic but I need some help! My husband is a passionate artisan baker and I am looking to get him a lovely present but I'm lost as I think he has everything he needs! Can anyone suggest a good piece of equipment or a book that would benefit him? Thanks in advance ;)
I am far more impressed with my Brød & Taylor folding proofer than I expected to be. That is the gift idea I'd call out this year.
I work from home often, so I tend to multitask while baking and keep a cool house. This time of the year I often find my doughs, particularly my sourdoughs, are pretty sluggish and underdeveloped when I start thinking about baking. What I do now is let the dough develop on its own in the morning, then pull out the proofer early afternoon and give it a warmer environment to do the end of the bulk fermentation and the final rise in. I'm coming out with much nicer loaves, better developed and better timed, than I was previously.
I've also used it to make yogurt, which is fun and tasty too.
There are a few older gift guides floating around on the site too, which might give you another idea.
Depending on where you live and how much you'd like to spend, you could look around for local artisan bread making workshops. While I haven't been on one (yet), the San Francisco Baking Institute workshops look amazing! A few people on this site have been and have posted information about them - just search. Here's a link: http://www.sfbi.com/artisan-breads-i-artisan-baking-fundamentals.html But likely in your own area you might be able to find something along this line.. Enjoy!
... Something. Whatever looks like its wearing out.
Equipment: Danish dough whisk - if he makes 100% Rye breads. Thermapen instant-read thermometer. Digital scales - 0-5Kg in 1g steps.
Are there ingredients he hasn't tried yet but might like to? For example, does he use ancient grain flours? Sprouted grain?
As for equipment, might he be interested in home milling?
Hand forged steel lame - what an amazing gift!
Order this from Etsy... If my husband gave me one of these I'd be soooo happy! https://www.etsy.com/listing/259185214/bread-lame-hand-forged-steel-blacksmith