A big thank you to Floyd - TFL generates more that 1,000 pages of search results for sourdough+recipe

Profile picture for user RoundhayBaker

It's astonishing. Try it for yourself and see. It's at 1,010 today. I've been very busy the last two months and missed the actual 1,000 page landmark, dammit.

Click on any page of the search results and you'll find fascinating and useful discussions about sourdough. I think it's worth applauding Floyd for creating and maintaining such a great community for all of us (not just sourdough enthusiasts). I don't reckon there are many other crafts or professions where such a useful and supportive meeting place is provided for free.

So, here's to you, brother. Long may your bread keep rising.

Before anyone gets finicky, this comes from the search results on my screen. Other screen sizes might produce different results :P

Thank you, and many sincere thank yous to all of the site members who've shared their experience by creating those thousand posts and the tens of thousands of insightful comments on them.  TFL has  become a rich source of information because of you.   

You are a blessing!!!

Thank you to all TFLers for making this a great site with your input.

You've been the glue to hold together this slightly crazed group of breadophiles. Deepest thanks.


Thank you Floyd and thanks also to the many members who have helped me.   Liz