Cinnamon Raisin Rolls

Profile picture for user Rajan Shankara

Howdy and Aloha Bakers. I made some of these roll things the other day. These are a nice break from bread making for me. I did my lamination of the dough in a walk-in fridge, much easier time than my last pastry work. 

All I had on hand was whole wheat so I used that instead of pastry flour. Worked well I thought. 

After lamination and final spread on the table, I spread a sugar buttery paste on the dough and sprinkled raisins, crushed walnuts and some chocolate chips on. Then just rolled into a long snake and cut slices out of it. I got the technique from Vincent Talleu's pastry video, click here




yes simple! The monks frown upon super sweet things so I focused more on a simple product, but balanced. Theres cane sugar in the dough and the walnuts were crushed in a cane sugar/butter blended bath. 

I only sprinkled cinnamon on top right before baking, partly because I forgot to do it earlier!