Bakery Economics Survey

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The team behind Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking is hard at work on their next multivolume set, which is completely dedicated to bread. As we work on our bread book, we want to know more about what it means to be an artisanal bakery and would love to hear from the Fresh Loaf community.

We've put together a brief survey on Survey Monkey for bakers and owners of artisanal retail bakeries of all sizes.This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Your answers and information are confidential and will not be stored in any way.

Feel free to share the link to this survey with any bakers and bakery owners you might know. Thank you in advance for your participation. We truly appreciate your help.

Please contact info@modernistcuisine with any questions. 

I had a look, but I don't buy flour in 25lb bags. I know this might be a bit picky, but here in the UK I buy  in 25Kg sacks. (and 1, 2.5, 8, 16Kg depending on the flour)


Hi Gordon,

Thank you for your feedback on the survey. We'd love to hear from bakers worldwide. Feel free to estimate your costs for 25 Kg sacks. Since the survey is free response, you can clarify if the sack weight changes per flour. That might also give us some interesting insights as well. 

Thank you again,

- The MC Team