Coconut Bread

Profile picture for user harsha

AP flour, 70% hydration with thick coconut milk (first press), coconut oil, salt & sugar, made it a little sweetish with more sugar than salt, autolyse for 30 mins, with Bertinet method for handling the dough, preshape and bench rest for 10 mins, final shape  into a boule, 

dutch oven pre-heated to 230 degrees C, baked at 200 degrees C for 30 mins with lid on, and next 10 mins without....

The coconut flavor is very subtle but definitely observable....a nice experiment overall


Very pretty loaf of bread.  I really like the stenciling on the top.

I have a coconut loaf that is similar though I shape and bake it as a sandwich loaf.

I found the formula on THIS site.

Pretty versatile stuff.


Thanks all for the comments!

Unfortunately, couldn't take the crumb shot of this experiment. 


However, here's a pic from an earlier attempt: