Rotoflex steaming question

Profile picture for user MichaelLily

I've been baking out of a Rotoflex deck oven the last few months: it is a 4 tiered deck oven with steel decks.  The top gets too hot and the bottom doesn't get good top heat, so I've been cooking on the middle two levels.  I had been using a garden sprayer to steam the loaves, and got acceptable results.  However, I had to leave the door open a lot and be pretty active during the cooking period.  I recently rigged a mister inside the oven.

Here's my question: the level of steam is great, but the bottoms of the lower level loaves are burning pretty bad.  I have it set at 450, but the lower decks are heating up pretty hot.  My thought for a solution is to preheat it to 400 and then cook at 450, but that would really only be good for the first load.  Any other suggestions?

Would it be worth putting in some not-preheated ceramic tile on the bottom levels when you insert the loaves?  There's some risk of thermal shock causing fracture, but if that doesn't happen, it may slow down the heat enough on the bottom levels to stop the burn.