I have been trying to bake the Dark Rye Bread in the Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book. I have tried three times now and have been unsuccesful. This last time, I thought I had succeeded until I looked back into the oven and looked at my loaves during the final proofing. They had cracks blown out all over them. I tried several more times to fix them and was unsuccessful. I don't understand something obviously. What am I doing wrong to have the tops do this? I do fine with the Yogurt Bread (whole wheat) in the same book and Maple Oatmeat Bread (whole wheat) that I came across. I know that rye is difficult to work with and I am an amateur. It can be wearisome to go to such efforts and have these results.
So please tell, how much rye is in the recipe? Or better yet what are the ingredients? How long were the proofs? Same or longer than recipe? Like you I think it might have to do with the rye. Rye is not difficult, it's just different. It has a short attention span and gets bored with us fast.
Mini O
(p.s. you can still go back and edit your Q. Also answer my questions using edit on the above comment and change things around.)