Intense Workshops Bakery/Pastry in Spain

Profile picture for user ensaimada

Hello from Spain,

My name is Ina, I´m a German native who lives more than 10 years in Northwest Spain, in Galicia, a very rich region in culture and gastronomy. It´s climate is very much influenced by the closeness to the Atlantic Ocean.
Since Mid of June I´ve accomplished my traineeship in bakery and pastry according to the Spanish education sistem being a Tecnician in Bakery and Pastry.
During my traineeship it ocurred to me to create workshops in bakery/pastry for foreigners who would like to be introduced into the elaboration of Galician and Spanish bread and pastry, but also to enjoy the culture and gastronomy of this region.
The workshops are going to take place in a specialized trainingcenter with it´s own tecnical resourses. The knowledge of speaking Spanish wouldn´t be necessary since the workshops are going to be held in English.

I´m still in the final preparation of this project, but would really appreciate your feed-back of interest into it.

Thanks a lot in advance for your responses!