Pita and the WFO


Hi all. 


I have a mud oven. I have been asked to make a bunch of pita for an event. My problem is in the WFO the difference between too soft and cracker like pitas is seconds. I like a little browning on my pita.

Some of this needs to be me practicing. But I was wondering if any technique or recipe tweaking might help. Any suggestions?



I don't think charring the crust is so important in the WFO while you will pick up flavour just in the baking.   You can always stand back and toss in corn meal to look for hot spots (to avoid them) before baking.  I'd be temped to use cookie sheets so you can pull them out fast.  

I know that's not much help.  Have you made pita before?

Yes. Made it a lot as a kid. Have been thinking back to how I treated my parents oven with some horror. But a regular gas oven gets nowhere close to as hot as this oven.

Yes. Made it a lot as a kid. Have been thinking back to how I treated my parents oven with some horror. But a regular gas oven gets nowhere close to as hot as this oven.

I would fire up the oven and build heat in the masonry, then empty it of coals and ashes, quickly mop the floor with a damp rag on an oven tool, and let the heat equalize and the oven floor cool a bit before making your pitas.  Do you have a laser thermometer?  If not, that would be a good investment for you.  You probably do not want to bake your pitas until your oven floor reads at about 500 degrees.   They'll bake very quickly.   Happy baking!