Baguettes round two



Thanks for all the help. I made two more batches, one with txfarmer's recipe and one of san joaquin again. After watching some videos I think these were better, but still work to do. I did have to tweak the time of both recipes in the fridge as I was running out of time, so the txfarmer recipe should have had 24 hours and probably had 20, and the san joaquin should have had 21 and had 19-20. The txfarmer recipe then had about 1.5 hours on the counter while I shaped etc the san joaquin so it had definitely doubled in size by then. 

Here's an inside shot of the san joaquin batch.


Very nice crumb.

Did you take a look at the KAF baguette shaping video? Did it help?


Yes I watched it a few times. Looked at how to shape batards as well - not as good as yours but have a look!

It seems the baguette photo is upside down sorry, don't know how to fix that