I've been using the same ove glove for about 5 years now and it's starting to fray near the fingertips. It's been through a lot and doesn't really owe me anything, but I was wondering if there was a way to patch it.
Regular polyester thread would melt on contact with anything hot. The same goes for nylon. I was thinking cotton thread might work for a bit, as that's what I've seen called for on oven mitt sewing patterns.
Anyone try fixing oven mitts?
locating the material used to make the Ove' Glove; Kevlar and Nomex? I'm pretty sure I've seen threads of those materials.
Edit:// [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=nomex+thread&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8]Google nomex+thread[/url]
[url=https://www.google.com/search?num=50&q=kevlar+thread&oq=nomex+thread&gs_l=serp.1.2.0i71l8.… kevlar+thread[/url] ~g
I haven't seen Nomex or Kevlar thread at cloth shops, but you got me thinking that there are a couple places here that do custom embroidery work for coveralls.
Most coveralls here have to be flame resistant, so i'd imagine embroidery thread would also have to meet safety standards. Worth asking around at anyrate. Thanks for the idea.
Don't ignore sporting goods or industrial safety equipment suppliers. I saw that kevlar is used to tie fishing flies! Who'da guessed it?
how about auto shops? Look for high temp silicone... a thin coating to hold the hairs back into place or over any sewing patches. LINK
You could try http://www.cansewspecialops.com/special.aspx. I believe they have samples which may be enough to mend your glove.
I tried the embroidery place yesterday. The manager came out with a partial roll of Nomex thread, but refused to sell me any, or order some in. Businesses in this town are very much backwards.
Mini. Oddly enough I was looking into high temp silicone a couple months ago for an oven gasket.
If I'd caught it earlier that alone might work, but the rip is a bit bigger now. If I can't get the good thread I may use cotton and coat it in the stuff above.
Thank you Betty for the link. I've contacted them to see if they'd sell just a bit of Nomex thread.