Been lacking behind posting but not baking. All breads from Jeffrey Hamelman's book, "Bread"
1. Norwich sourdough with increased whole wheat (wheat only) with added oat groats and honey - very happy with oven spring
2. Norwich sourdough with increased whole wheat (mixture of rye and wheat) - not very happy with oven spring
3. Norwich sourdough with increased whole wheat (wheat only) using a dutch oven - not very happy with oven spring
4. Deli Rye - very happy with texture, great for sandwiches
Even if some of them didn't achieve quite what you wanted, I'm sure all of them were a delight to eat.
Yes they were delish nevertheless...thanks Paul for looking at things from a different and more encouraging view.
I haven't tried sourdough rye yet. I am going to have to do that soon.
You've got to if you have Hamelman's book. Only 15% rye but its nice to have a less healthy version compared to the high percentage whole grain breads. I enjoyed this very much with the caraway. Instead of using all whole caraway seeds, I did half ground and half whole seeds.
this variety is a great place to start - like then all. The more whole grains in bread the less proofing it needs. I like to proof to 90-85% an no more before it goes in the heat to get the spring and bloom to cone throug. White breads can go to 90-95%. Why this is i have no idea but give it a go and you will be rewarded. Well Done and
Happy baking
I have a problem with getting enough steam. I use a heated tray and pour boiling water onto it to give it initial steam before I load the bread. After loading the bread, I pour more boiling water onto the tray...from the looks of my bakes, it appears that the crust forms before the dough could expand to its full capacity.
I wonder if turning off the top element will help. Think Abe said that he does this and it works for him. But I cant get it round my head because I thought the oven temperature needs to be hot enough with enough steam for the dough to have good spring...so it's either the oven is hot without enough steam or the oven is not hot enough but with enough steam....