July 13th ARTISAN II class at SFBI

Profile picture for user Mebake

Hi, fellow TFL'ers

Are any of you taking the ARTISAN II class at SFBI on July 13th next month?

If so,  kindly send me a private message, as I'd love to meet you in person while taking classes at SFBI.

Thanks, in advance!


Profile picture for user BurntMyFingers

I did not know about SFBI when I lived in SF, and now I'd love to get back for a class but hard to manage the time and travel. Will therefore appreciate your report. Is this your first SFBI experience, or does the fact you're taking Artisan II mean you've already done Artisan I?


Hi, Otis

Oh, that is a bummer.

As to Artisan II, no, I have not taken ARTISAN I class.  I've chosen Artisan II because I live half way across the world and can only travel for so many days to take bread classes. so, I chose ARTISAN II, as it relates to my aspirations to start an Artisan bakery sometime in the future.

I'll report, of course when I return from my trip.

