greetings from San Jose Del Cabo, BCS Mexico

Profile picture for user Punta Espiritu

Hi, my name is Seth and I have been operating a small artisanal bakery for the last 4 years.  I am finding myself referring to the forums here, and am thankful for all of the interesting perspectives.  It's pretty seasonal here, but thankfully the climate is nice during the busy season.  The hot/slow season is another story.  It's been a challenging, time intensive, but very rewarding journey so far.  Most of my business has been farmer's markets, and at times has pushed my limits of quality/quantity, as I have mainly been working by myself in the bakery.  I do thankfully have lots of help for the sales and marketing part.  As we are trying to grow the business, it seems like every potential new client has a new set of challenges.  Thankfully, there are so many great resources to so much great knowledge, such as this website √√√