A question for professional bakers;
Ive bought a deck oven currently being refurbished by the maufacturer. I told him that sometimes I like to adjust my temp towrd the end of the bake (turn down). He suggested the best way would be to set bottom heatbetween my desired hottest and lowest temps; say 230C and keep it there, as the stone hearth wont cool effectively in the spce of 5 mins, and then use the top heat to have 250C at the beggining and down to 220 at the end with vent open. Anyone got any experience to share with deck ovens?
Thanks, Amber
I use a Bakers Pride with about a 40x60" interior. There's a vent for more bottom heat or more top heat. I usually leave it the same throughout the bake, but if the bottom is really hot, I'll open the vent all the way. The vent is a flap in the back: when closed, more heat stays below the hearth, and when open, more heat passes through the chamber. It makes about a 50 degree difference in my experience. I'd say to do a little experimenting and find out what works for you, as every oven is a little bit different.
Thanks Michael, I dont think mine has back vents/ bottom vents, its a 2 deck 6 tray. Guess I'll have to experiment.