online or mail-order source for white wheat berries?

Can someone recommend a place to mail-order these?  Or know of a location in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area that carries them?

KipperCat, I posted this address some time ago - just checked and they have soft white wheat berries. Not sure if that is what you are looking for, A They are located in Winthrop, WA

Bluebird also carries Emmer, otherwise known as faro, which is somewhat hard to come by.

This site - [u][url=]Native Foods eBay store[/url][/u] - is good source for white wheat and other whole grains. Their shipping costs are the lowest I've been able to find. Several months ago I ordered 12 pounds of Montana Hard White Wheat from them; packing was good and shipping was very fast. I recommend them.

I live in the US but far from our major wheat growing regions. I've checked out most of the other online sources for whole grain that have been recommended by TFL members. While the cost per pound was reasonable, the shipping cost usually doubled and often tripled my total purchase price.

I cannot find certain grains (such as white wheat) at a local coop or natural foods store. [u][url=]Native Foods eBay store[/url][/u] is the most cost-effective mail order source I've been able to find. The seller recommends purchasing 12 pounds of grain to minimize the shipping costs. If you want to inquire further, the site link I gave includes a contact email for the seller. He was quite responsive to my inquiries.

The Native Foods Ebay Store looks like it is no longer active and he has 2 of the latest  comments that say he took their money but didn't ship. I don't think I'd order from them.

The other link  (aawpa) is dead.

Check your local Whole Foods maket bulk foods section...they have GREAT selection!!