another newbie


Hello, I'm john and I have a problem. I have recently gotten hormonal urges to bake things. I have a bread maker but that just didn't cut it and I was too limited to what I could do so I picked up an old ka/hobart k5a mixer. I recently got the chance to get a hobart n50 that needs work. I have made cookies and a pizza dough, but I truly have no clue what I'm doing. This looks like a great site with tons of info and I hope to learn alot. Please be patient with all my questions. Thank you, john

Take a look at the "Lessons" and the "Handbook" that are in the menu bar for this site, I found them invaluable.

Welcome, John, Floyd Mann is our host.  Ask your questions and give us your knowledge.  That is what we are about.

I use an electric mixer for cookies and very slack dough, but usually I mix and knead by hand.  Get your hands in and get the feel of the dough!  Let the dough tell you when it is ready for shaping, for baking and when it is ready to come out of the oven.  Use a scale to measure the ingredients, use your touch to tell you when the bread has risen, and use a thermometer to tell you when the bread is baked,  Have fun!
