Don't want to burn out on them :)
Made a couple of straight dough boules from FWSY to give to my dentists who, shockingly, I really like :) ; a pain de mie in my new pullman pan. I somehow managed to screw up the scaling down from a 13" recipe (KAF website) despite using a spreadsheet. They have a recipe for the smaller pan and I guess I'll just try that next time. The one for the larger pan looked better on paper to me. Should you scale IDY by a lesser amount than the other ingredients? I didn't get the great square shape but it was tasty and very different from the stuff I usually bake.
Last was FWSY pain au bacon (all SD). Interesting but kinda weird, I'm not a huge fan. First mix-in I've done though!
- greenbriel's Blog
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Giving a Pain de Me made in a Pullman pan to your dentist!! I can't believe you can really do that with a straight face.
P.S. Good looking loaves!
I thought the pullman might be too filling ;)
MAN, you are quick on the draw! Puntastic!
Cheers David,
No baguettes? Now I have to make pizza since I was following your lead. My dentist just got a new BMW convertible thanks to a pain to me I'm sure. i make them bread to. They love the SD since it doesn't have sugar and they are always kind. ;at time we ate it in the office managers space. They were worried they didn't have enough butter:-)
If you don't like bacon in bread - no worries - it just means you didn't have any cheese in it .
Well done and Happy baking .
...and the puns are hilarious!
Bacon on bread, yes, bacon in bread? Not so much huh?
The boules are great, lucky dentists :)