Have finally mastered sourdough using a clay baker (inside glazed) with a lid, My husband has COPD, however, and cannot tolerate even the slightest fumes from the clay baker. I have even tried a new clay baker but for some reason whatever odors the clay absorbs are exuded at high heat and he can't tolerate it. I experimented by trying a Pyrex casserole dish and his lungs were fine with it. BUT...it is not the right shape and the lid is not high/domed enough to keep on the bread for more than 10 minutes - it then rises too high and against the glass lid.
What can I use that is glass with a lid? I need a normal loaf pan size - inside measurements about 8 x 5 x 3 or so....
Thanks for any help.
Do you have a Dutch oven? That works. Why not just bake in your loaf pan? Sour dough can be baked just as other yeast breads.
Thanks. I'd really like to have a lid for it. I don't have a loaf pan that is not clay.
i have a big Turkey roaster that works. Even a foil tent can work.
My favorite is as Ford says, a Dutch oven. Mine is a Lodge cast iron. Wouldn't trade it for anything.
I use these with great success.
They are quite cheap and effective
cloche as well as s stainless steel mixing bowl. For batards I use a MagnaLite MagnaWare heavy aluminum turkey roaster either as a DO or as a cloche.
while the loaf is baking and cooling should help a great deal. Crack a window to help the removal of baking gasses and fumes up the exhaust.
Have you considered moving the oven to a garage or well vented room, a secondary kitchen, or putting a seal on the kitchen door while baking and cooking is going on? I bake in the summers with a small counter top oven (mini oven) putting it outside. Very practical. I think the mini oven cost less than my double roaster pan. :)
Unless your oven is properly vented to the outside - and almost none of them are - turning on the exhaust fan just blows back into the kitchen, effectively spreading any oven fumes around the house more thoroughly and more quickly.
I MADE them put in a proper venting range hood when we built our house in the '80s. You would not believe the amount of bitching and whining this caused.