pain au levain with carmelized onion swirl

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

The idea here was of course to add the flavor of carmelized onion, but I wanted it in a decorative swirl in the bread. This was my basic levain. Inset on the picture shows the result. Just what I wanted.

I love caramelized onions and have been thinking about ways to incorporate them into bread. Great inspiration! 

You've made me hungry - started wondering about the smear; toasted slightly with layered smoked salmon and neufchatel cream cheese mixed with capers and chives. I could go so I'll stop while I'm still calories ahead. Please add a taste profile...,


I really wasn't sure just what kind of taste profile this would produce. The swirl created what I hoped it would. The bread contained a nice onion-sweet flavor throughout. But like a coffee cake with a swirl of cinnamon, a bite of the swirl was a burst of flavor. Sweeter than the onions of the typical onion roll and a bit moister with the the remains of the olive oil they had been sautéed in.  Delicious by itself it did ask for many of the ingredients you would put on a good bagel.